If you go down to the woods today…
Posted: November 16, 2009 Filed under: Paul's Waffle Comments Off on If you go down to the woods today…Let me tell you of our night in Paris
The gig was on a boat on the Seine called Le Batofar, which used to be an Irish Lifeboat…you could feel the occasional undulation as you pranced and minced about the boards, if such was your way. It was very lovely, but then things got a bit weird…
We couldn’t park by the boat, even though there was loads of space on the Quay. Regulations. So we parked about a kilometer away. Dom went to get the van after the show, without the GPS, and got very lost in the one-ways and diversions due to road works and some kind of loads-of-people-on-rollerblades protest. Say what you like about you Frenchies, you give good protest.
Anyway, he had to get a taxi to lead him back to the boat, after a couple of hours in the Paris night. The rest of us were by the Seine with the gear, and it was actually a good time. Those grand bridges lit up, a club on the go on the boat, and best of all, a visit from the Whisky Fairies of Connemara…thank you girls, it was very sweet of you. When we finally got going the festivities continued in the van and there was the inevitable piss stop at a truck rest area. Darkness decends. Some boys went frolicking in the woods, stood in some shit and dragged it back into the van. Trucker shit or fox shit, the debate rages on, but it was foul. It was attacked with Fabrese, truck tyre cleaner… we even tried to cut the offending area of carpet out. Not good, spending so much time in a van that smells of shite. Bit of a buzz wrecker…
It seems OK now, though maybe we’ve become immune