Oh America

Just off the plane at JFK I found myself on the phone to the limo company describing what Roddy Doyle was wearing…
Dave and I are here for Other Voices New York. As is Roddy. Hence the surreal “He’s in, eh, a black and white checked shirt and blue jeans…”
Cab driver in Manhatten went on a rant about how Steve Jobs never flushed his toilet “He would piss and shit in there, and never flushed cos he hadn’t the time!! This fuckin’ guy, sheesh…”

Went to Smalls Jazz club in the Village to see the David Stoler trio. I’ve always wanted to go to a proper tiny jazz club here, and this was the real deal – door guy called Mitch, and the booker arguing with some cat in the doorway over $60

Went down to Zuccotti Park to see Occupy Wall Street. I was probably one of those gawping tourists…it actually had a real festival feel, there were some drummers and horn players throwing it down. Noise about all these ills is better than no noise.

Some of the signs were gas – “Shit is real fucked up!” was one. Reminded me of the “Down with this sort of thing!” sign at our own anti bailout/austerity measures rally

The Other Voices gig last night went on forever, but was really great.

Martin Hayes & Caoimhin o Raghallaigh, Martha Wainright, Joe O connor, The boys from The National, Roddy Doyle, Trixie Whitley… amazing

Same again tonight
